Properly storing edible items is a major concern of any food-based business, whether that's a restaurant, a food processing plant or a warehouse. When food is stored properly, it prevents food-borne illnesses and reduces spoilage and waste. In addition, food processing companies and warehouses must store all ingredients and food products in such a way that they will not become contaminated, according to federal statutory law. Using the right plastic food storage containers is vital to ensuring that federal law is followed and that food is kept from contamination in any type of manufacturing or processing environment.
31 December 2015
If your parent is at a point in their life where they might need a little extra care or to be close by, moving them into your home might be the next logical step. Downsizing and moving out of a home your parent has lived in for years can be hard. Here are four tips to make this move as smooth as possible for you and your parent. 1. Discuss Space Limitations With Your Parent
30 December 2015
The things that your children create can never be duplicated. The pictures they draw, the stories they write and the creations they make are precious. These are the things that you will love looking back on when your child is grown and has children of his or her own. Unfortunately, they can also take up a lot of space around the home. Instead of tossing out your children's creations, you can store them safely and out of the way.
24 December 2015